I'm soooo happy this morning because somebody posted the news article "An Examplary Act of Kindness" in NST on their blog and the comments made me happie. :)
I've been meeting so many nice people recently till one moment, I've forgotten that people actually have a dark side. I'm sorry if I made you sad.
There are lots of kinds of people in this world, some of which gets forgotten easily in a big crowd. I try to make them play along but sometimes if they do not open up, I feel so helplesss.
To me, being happie is when you spread ur happiness to others as well. Spreading the happiness is putting a smile on other peoples face. It gives me energy when I see the others smile. :) Smilling is all about transferring the kinetic energy of atoms from one person to the other. So next time when you see my energy draining out, just flex those muscles and SMILE :D