Frankly. I feel really feelingless atm.
EXAMS OVER! so wad? rot?
Damn H1N1 damn Swine Flu damn it damn it.
I'm sure a lot of u heard how i randomly clicked around air asia's website and found really good buys for TOMORROW night to go home. T.T
BUT then again, blame H1N1! =(
Flashes of old town! ipoh! people! frens! EVERYTHING. even LCCT came into my mind.
Suddenly miss home so much at this very moment n really emo-fied coz a lot of people r returning home. =<
But then again. I know i nit to get a life!
I nit to create a life here. I nit to get sth out of it!
I cant be holding back just because I'm not moving on. T.T
Sighh. this is supposed to be a happie post!
Its after exams JOANNE LEE!
AFTER! Enough of emo-ness n back to happienesss! =)
Exam retarded-ness.
Have a look at happie food!
Apple Crumble.
Thank kew adele wong for the idea! HAHA.
Hanging out today after MY last paper. =)
2 more to go for Samuel~ lalala.
Yupss so its after exams! I have a big long thank kew list. =)
Bro bro for being my walking alarm clock!
Adele wong for constantly checking on me!
Darlings for pumping oil for me!
Samuel for studying n taking trams with me!
Gigi for driving me to MSAC!
Claudya tan for studying with us!
Jon Andre Jade Jeanne Gigi Evelyn Samuel Nic Alia Amali John for chilling with me b4 exams!
And facebookers for writing on my wall! =)
Thank Q for walking me tru this exam period.
Things will nvr be the same w/o u guys! <3